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Ensk-íslensk orðabók

Icelandic-English translation for: [that]
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Dictionary Icelandic English: [that]

Translation 1 - 31 of 31

vonandi {adv}hopefully [sentence adverb: it is to be hoped that ...]
dýr undanvillingur {k}[a lamb that has gone astray from its mother]
áraskip {hv}[a ship that is propelled mainly by oars]
veisluspjöll {hv.ft}[an act that ruins or disrupts a party]
flóttasvipur {k}[an expression that tells that the person wants to flee]
eltiskinn {hv}[animal skin that is made soft by rubbing]
skip þriggjamannafar {hv}[boat that can carry three persons]
dýr vonarpeningur {k}[cows that were sick and it was doubtful that they would survive]
landbún. flekkur {k}[hay that is spread evenly over part of the field]
landbún. jarðbönn {hv.ft}[land that is covered by ice or snow and is therefore unsuitable for grazing]
landbún. jarðleysa {kv}[land that is covered by ice or snow and is therefore unsuitable for grazing]
fatn. pilsgopi {k}[poor quality fabric skirt that is too short]
lögfr. Unverified fyrirtaka {kv}[that when a case is formally heard in court]
fiskifr. veiðireynsla {kv}[total catch that a ship has made within a specified period]
goðafr. fjöregg {hv} [egg]amulet [an egg that preserves the life of the person]
goðafr. fjörulalli {k}beachwalker [mythical creature, a kind of sea sheep that seeks to drive people into the sea]
samg. áætlunarbifreið {kv}bus [that drives according to schedule]
dýr nýbæra {kv}cow [that has just given birth]
goðafr. fylgja {kv}daemon [a spirit that inseparably follows a person]
goðafr. fylgja {kv}daimon [a spirit that inseparably follows a person]
goðafr. fylgja {kv}demon [a spirit that inseparably follows a person]
frystitæki {hv}freezer [device that freezes]
frystivél {kv}freezer [device that freezes]
vonarpeningur {k}hope [something that people hope for]
bikkja {kv} [niðr.]nag [coll.] [often pej.] [a horse, esp. one that is old or in poor health]
boðberi {k}purveyor [one that promulgates something]
hvatamaður {k}purveyor [one that promulgates something]
tölfræði {kv}statistics [science that collects and interprets numerical data] [with singular verb]
2 Words: Nouns
bókfestukenning {kv}bookprose theory [theory that sagas are based on written rather than oral sources]
sagnfestukenning {kv}freeprose theory [theory that sagas are based on oral rather than written sources]
þjónustuíbúð {kv}service apartment [for seniors that need assistance]
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