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|  |
 | aðskilinn {adj} | separate [e.g. bathrooms, beds, etc.] |  |
 | rúmgóður {adj} | spacious [containing much space, e.g. car, TV room, wardrobe] |  |
Partial Matches |
 | að afboða e-ð | to cancel sth. [e.g. an event] |  |
 | að linna [e-u linnir] | to cease [e.g. doing sth.] |  |
 | að ígrunda e-ð | to consider sth. [e.g. possibilities] |  |
 | að dagsetja e-ð | to date sth. [to mark e.g. a check with a date] |  |
 | að affrysta e-ð | to defrost sth. [e.g. the refrigerator] |  |
 | að afþíða e-ð | to defrost sth. [e.g. the refrigerator] |  |
 | að forsmá e-n/e-ð [gamaldags] | to scorn sb./sth. [e.g. help] |  |
 | Fagmál skordýr býflugnavax {hv} | beeswax [E-901] |  |
 | hringiða {kv} | eddy [e.g. wind] |  |
 | feldur {k} | fur [thick fur, e.g. on a bear or fox] |  |
 | loðskinn {hv} | fur [thick fur, e.g. on a bear or fox] |  |
 | lífefnaf glusserín {hv} | glycerol [E-422] |  |
 | efnafr. helín {hv} <He> | helium <He> [E-939] |  |
 | efnafr. helíum {hv} [eðalgas] | helium <He> [E-939] |  |
 | innlegg {hv} [í umræðu] | input [e.g. to a discussion] |  |
 | landaf. táknlykill {k} | key [e.g. map legend] |  |
 | lífefnaf lesitín {hv} | lecithin [E-322] |  |
 | munnstykki {hv} | mouthpiece [e.g. on a wind instrument, a bridle, or a tobacco pipe] |  |
 | efnafr. köfnunarefni {hv} | nitrogen <N> [E-941] |  |
 | efnafr. nitur {hv} | nitrogen <N> [E-941] |  |
 | tón. plokkun {kv} [strengjahljóðfæri] | picking [i.e. using a pick on, e.g. a guitar] |  |
 | efnafr. sakkarín {hv} | saccharin [E-954] |  |
 | gljálakk {hv} | shellac [as food additive: E-904] |  |
 | úrlausn {kv} | solution [also: to sth., e.g. a problem] |  |
 | að feykja e-u burt | to blow sth. away [brush away, e.g. leaves] |  |
 | að feykja e-u burt | to sweep sth. away [brush away, e.g. leaves] |  |
 | efnafr. edikssýra {kv} | acetic acid [E-260] [CH3COOH] |  |
 | efnafr. ediksýra {kv} | acetic acid [E-260] [CH3COOH] |  |
 | Fagmál lífefnaf askorbínsýra {kv} [C-vítamín] | ascorbic acid [E-300] |  |
 | efnafr. bensósýra {kv} [C7H6O2] | benzoic acid [E-210] |  |
 | efnafr. bórsýra {kv} [H3BO3] | boric acid [E-284] |  |
 | efnafr. kalsíumkarbónat {hv} | calcium carbonate [CaCO3] [E-170] |  |
 | efnafr. koltvíildi {hv} | carbon dioxide [CO2] [E-290] |  |
 | efnafr. koltvíoxíð {hv} | carbon dioxide [CO2] [E-290] |  |
 | efnafr. koldíoxíð {hv} [CO2] | carbon dioxide [E-290] |  |
 | efnafr. koltvísýringur {k} [CO2] | carbon dioxide [E-290] |  |
 | efnafr. kolsýra {kv} | carbonic acid [Acidum carbonicum] [H2CO3] [E 290] |  |
 | Unverified formannssæti {hv} | chairman's office [e.g. in a society or political party] |  |
 | efnafr. lífefnaf sítrónusýra {kv} [C6H8O7] | citric acid [E-330] |  |
 | efnafr. blásteinn {k} [CuSO4] | copper sulphate [Br.] [CuSO4, E-519] |  |
 | íþr. bikarúrslitaleikur {k} | cup final [e.g. football] |  |
 | vísindi rökvísindi {hv.ft} | formal science [e.g. logic, mathematics] |  |
 | efnafr. mjólkursýra {kv} [C3H6O3] | lactic acid [E-270] |  |
 | efnafr. eplasýra {kv} [C4H6O5] | malic acid [E-296] |  |
 | þolmörk {hv.ft} | maximum capacity {sg} [e.g. of a hospital] |  |
 | efnafr. fosfórsýra {kv} [H3PO4] | phosphoric acid [Acidum phosphoricum] [E-338] |  |
 | ljósm. skammsnið {hv} | portrait format [as opposed to landscape / horizontal format, e.g. of images] |  |
 | þjónustukjarni {k} | service center [where service is provided e.g. for seniors] |  |
 | efnafr. sterínsýra {kv} | stearic acid [E-570] |  |
 | efnafr. rafsýra {kv} | succinic acid [C4H6O4] [E-363] |  |
 | efnafr. brennisteinstvíoxíð {hv} [SO2] | sulfur dioxide [Am.] [SO2] [E-220] |  |
 | efnafr. brennisteinsdíoxíð {hv} [SO2] | sulphur dioxide [E-220] [Br.] |  |
 | efnafr. brennisteinstvíoxíð {hv} [SO2] | sulphur dioxide [SO2] [E-220] [Br.] |  |
 | efnafr. brennisteinssýra {kv} [H2SO4] | sulphuric acid [Acidum sulfuricum] [E 513] [Br.] |  |
 | vinnuhæli {hv} | work centre [Br.] [e.g. for discharged patients] |  |
 | vinnuheimili {hv} | work centre [Br.] [e.g. for discharged patients] |  |
 | einslega {adv} | one-on-one [between two people, e.g. conversation, meeting] |  |
 | flug snertilending {kv} | touch-and-go [landings followed immediately by takeoffs, e.g. for practice] |  |
 | mennt. kennsluvika {kv} | week of school [e.g. last/first school week] |  |
 | saga þurrabúð {kv} [gamalt] | wage labor outside of agriculture [e.g. in fishing or fish processing] |  |